Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chicken And Rice Casserole Recipe

There are plenty of different ways of cooking fish and it is fun to try different methods. Depending on whether you are using a whole fish, steaks of fillets, you might like to try braising, deep or shallow frying, steaming or even cooking the fish on a wood fish board. Stuffed fish tastes delicious and adds texture. Round fish are the best for stuffing because the body cavity is larger. Most stuffing is made from breadcrumbs, which expand when they cook, so do not use too much. If you are using sea bass, a parsley and walnut pesto makes a great stuffing. If you have fillets, you can sandwich them with stuffing or roll them, then oven-bake them.

Grilling season is here. You've got your grill full of gas, you've stocked up on hamburgers, hot dogs, and steaks, and you're ready to go. Fish also makes a healthy meal, and grills up quite easily. Seafood does present some grilling challenges, however, here are some tips should help you on your way to grilling great seafood.

* Some varieties of fish contain more fat, such as salmon or tuna, which can be cooked until opaque on the outside while remaining somewhat translucent on the inside.

* Increase cooking time when cooking fish that is frozen.

* It is better to undercook the fish a bit than overcooking it.

* In thawing frozen fish, slowly thaw in the fridge for 24 hours or let the wrapped fish be run under cold water not at room temperature.

Seafood Paella Recipe - Delicious Fish Recipes Shrimp Batter Recipes Basics Seafood Pasta Recipe - These Are The Essentials

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